Knife Crime Campaigns
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Knife Crime Campaigns

Knife Crime is the concern of the moment – with 50% committed by children and teenagers in London. Our focus since January 2023 has been to fight “Weapons with Words” by holding a series of Knife-Related Restorative Workshops with young people in the capital.

Our objective is twofold:
  • By engaging face to face with those who are perpetrators, or at risk of becoming involved in knife crime, we can help them find a positive way forward.
  • We capture the stories of those attending the workshops and use them to compile narratives that can be delivered via ‘Talking Head’ videos to educate others on the dangers of carrying a weapon.

Kofi's Story, our first of these performative narratives was the culmination of our 2023 Campaign "Knives not Lives".

The trailer can be viewed here and below, we are using the film to raise awareness amongst the wider audience by asking schools and other organisations to invite us to share this, together with an informative talk from one of our team, with their pupils, members or staff.

Our 2024 Campaign "Bluntly Put" has been launched.

Workshops will run again throughout the year with a changing cohort for each set. Their stories will be used to create more narratives and help transform lives.

